Serendipity Moon

Just your average aggressively normal Viera from the Shroud.

About Serendipity

Full name:Serendipity Moon
Occupation:Adventurer for hire; part-time model for Babaki's Boutique
Nameday:13th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Nicknames:Sere, Dippy (only by close friends/family), Moony, Bunny
Gender:Female (she/her)
Age:22 (pre-2.0); 27 (post-EW)
Race:Rava Viera
Height:6'3" (minus ears)
Hair:Black with dark purple streaks
Birthplace:Unknown, but believed to be somewhere in Golmore Jungle
Childhood residence:Tiny village in the Black Shroud (South Shroud, near Quarrymill)
Family:Biological mother deceased; two adoptive fathers: Tresormont Delassier (nee de Lassier) and Minyu'li Moon (nee Binbotaj)
Alignment:Neutral Good


Serendipity's unique upbringing (see Background for more information) has brought about a mishmash of sensibilities, where, according to her, she "act[s] more like an Elezen and think[s] more like a Miqo'te."She tries her utmost to be the polite, educated, charming young woman her Ishgardian father brought her up to be. But underneath that veneer lies a passionate, warm heart, quick to defend those smaller and weaker than herself with her words or weapons (if pushed).Her curiosity and willingness to help can get her in tight spots from time to time, but she's usually clever enough to get herself out of said trouble.



Serendipity was only a few days old when she was found in a sling on her mortally-wounded older sister. She and her sister were taken in by two adventurers, Tresormont Delassier (nee de Lassier, an Ishgardian Elezen) and Minyu'li Moon (nee Binbotaj, a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te), who happened to be traveling along the outskirts of Golmore Jungle.Before her sister passed away a couple of days later from her injuries, she gave them one instruction: do not go into the jungle in an attempt to find their clan. There had been an ambush (a collaboration between Garlemald and defectors from her clan), and it was her belief that the entire clan was dead. Tresormont and Minyu'li honored her request and took in her kit as their child.Tresormont gave the child the name "Serendipity," since he believed that this chance encounter would end up being a good thing for the three of them. Minyu'li gifted Serendipity with his adopted last name, Moon.After a few months of traveling with Serendipity, the two men decided it was time to put down roots somewhere so she could grow up in a stable environment. They first lived in Quarrymill before settling in a small village in the South Shroud near Minyu'li's Miqo'te clan. Tresormont took up chirurgery, while Minyu'li became the village blacksmith.That is where Serendipity grew up with the two men she knew as "Dad" (Tresormont) and "Papa" (Minyu'li). Even after the Calamity, life was quiet and idyllic even with the influx of people moving to the village from the city-states for a "simpler" life. Adventurers who found themselves lost in the Shroud would almost inevitably end up in their village to get patched up or have their armor repaired, and Serendipity would be there to listen to their stories in awe.A year or so ago, Minyu'li was injured while mining for ore for his work, mangling his right arm. Tresormont was able to save the arm, but Minyu'li has been unable to raise his hammer since. It was then that Serendipity decided to leave the village to become an adventurer to earn money to support her parents. Though Tresormont protested at first, he relented when Minyu'li offered his support wholeheartedly while reminding her that she always had a home to return to.Currently, she still works as an adventurer but has recently gained steady employment as a model for Babaki's Boutique, a clothier in Ul'dah. In exchange for a weekly salary, she's obligated to wear the clothing given to her, demonstrate their durability (usually in battle), and talk up the boutique whenever asked about her outfits.

RP Hooks

Adventurer for hire

The easiest way to make your way into Serendipity's circle is to hire her for whatever job you need doing -- to a point. She won't break the law (unless it's a law that needs breaking), and she won't do anything that makes her feel uncomfortable.

Adventuring in the Black Shroud

If you've ever found yourself lost in the Black Shroud and in need of healing and/or armor repair, you might have crossed paths with Serendipity and her family in their village.

Greetings from Golmore Jungle

Serendipity was only a baby when an ambush wiped out her Viera clan. If you're a Viera from Golmore Jungle, maybe you've heard of said ambush. Maybe you survived it, yourself. Or maybe you helped perpetrate it.

Investigating a disappearance(?)

Or maybe you've heard about the disappearance of a minor Ishgardian nobleman. Rumor has it that he was kidnapped by an adventurer after running away from home. No one in his family has seen or heard from him for over 20 years, at this point.But why would Serendipity know anything about all that?

World's Worst VieraTM

Due to her upbringing, Serendipity has very little knowledge about anything related to Viera. Her adoptive parents tried their best with what they could get their hands on, but even the most basic knowledge escapes her. No Green Word, no "forest name" -- she didn't even know about her extended lifespan until very recently.



Here is where you can find stories about Serendipitiy that I've written.


A Quick Call Home

"...And what race would these fine individuals be, hmm?" came the teasing voice at the other end of the linkshell.Serendipity let out a whine as she plopped down on a rock just outside of Ul'dah. "Da-ad..." She already knew what was going to happen if she were to answer that question truthfully."Now, now," her father Tresormont replied. "I would just like to know with whom my darling daughter is socializing as she makes her way through this world all by her lonesome, that's all."Serendipity stared off into the middle distance, her lips drawn into a straight line."I can hear the face you're making, Dippy."She scoffed at this before rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Okay, fine, fine -- they were Miqo'tes, but--!"Tresormont's laughter rang loud and clear through the linkshell -- a kind of high-pitched sound, like a rag being wiped against a window. "I knew it!""Well, it's not like I planned it that way," she protested weakly.She was telling the truth; it had not been like she went prowling for Miqo'tes at the Quicksand.She had just stopped by for a drink after a particularly grueling job clearing out a mine for a rich businessman and had plopped herself down at the nearest table since the bar was full. Then one Miqo'te asked if he could keep her company. His friend, a pretty Seeker woman, joined them. Yet another Miqo'te -- this one a young Keeper no one at the table knew before that moment -- decided to take the last seat at the table.And there was Serendipity, the Rava Viera towering over all of them even while seated, a sight which had become all too familiar to her.Even though they had started the night as strangers, by the time they were saying their goodbyes it had been as if they had known each other for years."Oh, Dippy, you just collect Miqos wherever you go, don't you?"There was a familiar beep-beep on the linkshell as someone else joined in, and then a deeper, gravellier voice on the other end. "And what's wrong with collecting Miqos?"Serendipity could hear her other father click his tongue against the roof of his mouth, a sure sign of his annoyance. "Ah, Yu'li, let me mock our daughter in peace, why don't you?""Now why would I do a thing like that?" Serendipity could not help but smile at the affection that still managed to slip through Minyu'li's exasperated voice. "Between you and me, Dippy, I think your dad's just jealous you haven't made friends with more elezen."She grinned. "Well, if only they weren't so damned haughty.""Haughty?" Tresormont balked, Minyu'li's wheezing chuckle punctuating his exclamation. "Your daughter just called my people haughty, and you laugh?""Only because it's true, dear."It was Tresormont's turn to scoff wordlessly, which made Serendipity laugh. "Well! I really must go now, darling -- I must pack up your father's things so he can sleep in his shop tonight.""Excuse me?"Tresormont ignored his husband. "You won't be joining us for dinner, will you?"Serendipity took a good look at her surroundings; the sun was starting to set over the mountains, painting the sky pink and orange. "Not tonight, Dad. Think I'll just find a place to eat and then bunk down for the night.""Okay, well... you be safe, Dippy. We love you.""I love you, too, Dad. And I love you, Papa.""Of course you do -- I'm a Miqo'te."Serendipity rolled her eyes but smiled softly all the same. "Bye," she responded quickly as she pressed on the linkshell to end their call. Stretching, she rose from the rock and looked over at her faithful chocobo, who was resting in the shade of one of the few trees around. "Come on, Lachi!"Lachi flapped his wings as he strutted over to her, bowing his head for a soft pat on his beak."Let's go find something to eat, eh?" Serendipity climbed onto his back. "Gyshal greens sound okay to you?""Kweh!"Serendipity ruffled his head feathers fondly. "Alright, buddy, let's go." With that, she led Lachi back onto the road toward the nearest settlement. Before long, her linkshell beeped again, and she reached up to answer it quickly as they kept going. "Hello? ...Oh, C'Mara, hi! I was just talking about you..."


Baby's First Weapon

Serendipity wiped her brow as she emerged last from the mine, her axe slung over her shoulder. Her armor, dyed rose pink, had acquired a few new scratches and dents, but it wasn’t anything she couldn't fix herself.Her employer, a local Lalafell merchant, was hopping up and down at her return. “Splendid, absolutely splendid! I take it you cleared the mine?”She nodded once, a smile crossing her lips. “Cleared out and safe for your workers to return, my good sir.”“She’s good, boss,” the healer, who had exited the mine a few moments before her, exclaimed. He then looked over at Serendipity. “How’d a girl like you learn to swing an axe like that, anyway?”She scrunched her nose at this, then tilted her head slightly. “Well…”---“Absolutely not!”It was a few nights before Serendipity’s third nameday. The little girl had just fallen asleep when Minyu’li had finally shown his partner, Tresormont, his present for their daughter – a tiny wooden axe modeled closely after his own.To say that Tresormont had reacted badly to said present would be an understatement.“What do you mean, absolutely not?” Minyu’li shot back, his ears immediately flattening against his head.“You are not giving our child – who is going to be all of three summers, by the way – an axe!”“It’s not even sharp – see?” Minyu’li hit the “blade” of the axe against his hand a few times to emphasize his point. “Safe.”Tresormont scoffed. “That’s not the point! The point is, who gives a child a weapon at this age?”Minyu’li straightened his back and tilted his head up to glare at his husband. “In my clan, everyone was given a weapon like this as soon as they were able to walk.” His eyes then softened slightly. “So, honestly, she’s a little behind the curve at this point.”“Oh.” The sudden embarrassment Tresormont felt manifested as a blush across his freckled face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”Minyu’li placed the axe down before taking one of Tresormont’s hands into both of his own, patting it gently. “You’re fine, Tre. You didn’t know.”Tresormont pulled over a chair with his free hand and sat down so it was easier for them to look at each other eye to eye. “I guess I still have things to learn about Keeper society, don’t I?” He shook his head. “It’s just… we didn’t do that sort of thing in Ishgard…”Minyu’li smirked at this. “You nobles didn’t do a lot of things in Ishgard.”“Fair.” Tresormont laughed, pulling Minyu’li into his lap. “That’s why we hired scruffy adventurers like you to clean up our messes.” He dropped a kiss onto Minyu’li’s cheek, snuggling him closer.Minyu’li huffed out a laugh. “So you’ll let me give our daughter the axe?”“Yes, yes, I’ll let you give our daughter an axe.” He smiled softly. “I just hope she likes my present, too.”A few days later, their small cabin was decorated with fresh flowers and purple ribbon Tresormont had procured from trading in Quarrymill. On the table was a small cake that Minyu’li had baked. When asked which she would like to do first, eat cake or open presents, Serendipity had bounced on her heels and yelled “Presents!”Tresormont handed her his present first – a small wooden box held closed with the same ribbon currently decorating their home. She eagerly pulled the bow loose and opened the box. “What is it?” she gasped.Tresormont reached into the box and held up the pale pink smock adorned with tiny rosettes. “It’s a dress for you, darling.”“A dress!” Serendipity squealed, clapping excitedly. “So pretty, Daddy!”“You really think so, darling?” Tresormont beamed. “I’m so glad you like it.”Minyu’li walked over to his family, his hands behind his back. “Okay, time for my present.” He brought his hands forward, and there was the tiny wooden axe, adorned with a purple ribbon.Serendipity’s eyes grew wide. She gazed at the tiny axe first, then looked over at her father’s axe that was currently standing next to the front door. “Papa axe?”Minyu’li could not help but grin. “Yes, Dippy, a Papa axe – except it’s for you.”Serendipity gasped as he handed her the axe. “Papa axe for me!” She hugged the axe close to her, already careful to avoid the “blade.” “Dippy axe!”Minyu’li chuckled at this. “Did you want to practice with it before we eat cake?”“Yeah!” Serendipity shouted, putting the axe down on the floor next to her before raising her tiny fists in the air. She then looked over at Tresormont. “Dress, Daddy?”“Dress?” Tresormont blinked. “You… want to put on your dress? Before you go out and practice with your axe?”And thus, Serendipity had her first lesson in how to handle her very first axe right outside her home… all while wearing her new pink dress.---“…I had the best teacher.”

OOC Info

Hi, I'm Kat, and I am a Fandom Old nerd who's been RP-ing in some fashion for almost two decades. This is my first time RP-ing in an MMO, though, so if you have any tips, let me know!


  • Home World/Data Center: Seraph/Dynamis

  • Time zone: Central USA (GMT-6)

  • Active hours: Usually between 1-4am local time, unless it's my day off

  • Where I RP: I'm good with either in-game RP or RP over Discord. Please message me before initiating either, though!

OOC/RP Guidelines

  • I'm only comfortable with RP-ing with people who are 18+. Sorry, kids.

  • Please, no metagaming or godmodding. Any info on here is OOC unless you want to use one of the RP Hooks.

  • Lore-bending is perfectly okay by me, but lore-breaking? Nah.

  • I'm still dipping a toe into RP-ing on here, so I'm not sure what I'm completely comfortable with yet. But I DO know that I won't RP any sort of extreme gore/torture or ANY sort of sexual violence (rape/non-con, dubcon, underaged).

  • If the RP does go into a romantic direction, please note that this is all IN-CHARACTER, and that I am not interested in any sort of OOC romantic relationship.

  • To further the above point, IC does not equal OOC! Serendipity might do or say things I might not necessarily agree with. RP is role-playing, not real life.